When it rains it pours...get out your umbrella folks this is going to be a doozy.
With the advent of
The Brass Figlagee and the continued greatness of the folks who run the Shep Juckebox/Archive, The Jean Shepherd Project (Fathead Central) and FlickLives we have a sort of Jean Shepherd Network...All Fatheads All The Time..Mostly.
And this is where you come in. Up till now the whole gig for many people has been listening to Shep. This is a great and glorious thing but there is more to be done. Many of the groups , including some projects I work on, are helping not only keep Shep alive but spread him further and wider than ever. What I think should happen next, if its not already happening, is you the listener stepping up and putting your two bits into the mix.
Techology is a wickedly cool mistress. She will give you enough rope to hang yourself in manners pleaseing to her desire. In this age of tech we have easy ways to create MP3s (audacity + a mic), we have the means to distribute them (podcasts, archives, blogs), and we have a rich collection of material to draw from both from the Shep works and outside the body of his work.
So now its up to you. Want to do a documentary on Shep? Go for it. Want to make a mashup of Shep Vs JayZ Vs Benny Goodman? Make it so. Want to rework Sheps works into new works via cutups and mixups? Have at it.
If you build it they will come, and we will distribute it.
Thats another way to help, distribution and spreading of the good word of the head Fathead. Drop a cd or dvd on a pal, inject Shep in your conversations, wow the ladies with your skill on the kazoo.
There has been a core group of folks, may of whom have never met or even know about each other, who have up till now kept Shep alive and available pretty much for anyone to get gratis. This effort cost some of those folks alot in time, effort and cashito. Freely Given is the key phrase here. These projects did not lock down Shep in copyright hell and charged you 20$ a cd. Dearly Got and Freely Given....Its time to take up the burden and distribute it around as well as to create more vectors and content for folks to get into and stay into Shepdom.
Am I just blowing like a cheap steam vent in a crappy NY apartment? I hope not.
Step right up.
Contact your fave Shep Project, or Projects, and ask how you can help, Create stuff, Get to know each other.