Your one stop for listening to nearly all the Shep that is hosted up on I am using the Yahoo Embedded Player and a scrapping of the urls up on As new shows get added to I will list them up here, so check back from time to time for a "new and improved" list. Special thanks to the hardwork of the Fatheads over at The Brass Figlagee Podcast for doing the heavy lifting in getting the shows uploaded to
To listen to a show simply click on the play icon to the left of the show you want to hear, if you use Firefox and would like to download some/all of the shows here in one swoop check out the very handy DownThemAll plugin
WOR - 1953 01 23 Radio
WOR - 1957 06 16
WOR - 1958 Man Without an Outlook
WOR - 1958 Peopletropic fragment
WOR - 1958 Technicolor fragment
WOR - 1959 05 02
WOR - 1959 05 XX A
WOR - 1959 05 XX B
WOR - 1959 08 XX Thoughts
WOR - 1957_Hurling_Invective_excerpt
WOR - 1960_03_26_1st_Sat_Show_Last_65_min
WOR - 1960_04_09_Coney_Island
WOR - 1960_04_16_1_Locked_Out
WOR - 1960_04_16_2_Molded_Food
WOR - 1960_04_16_Locked_Out
WOR - 1960_06_04_Night_People
WOR - 1960_06_11_1
WOR - 1960_06_11_2
WOR - 1960_06_11_2
WOR - 1960_06_18
WOR - 1960_06_25_Racing
WOR - 1960_07_02_Living_In_The_Future
WOR - 1960_07_04
WOR - 1960_07_09
WOR - 1960_07_10
WOR - 1960_07_23
WOR - 1960_07_30
WOR - 1960_07_31_1
WOR - 1960_07_31_2_Fear_of_the_Inexplicable
WOR - 1960_08_07
WOR - 1960_08_14_1
WOR - 1960_08_14_2
WOR - 1960_09_03
WOR - 1960_09_04_A
WOR - 1960_09_04_B
WOR - 1960_09_10
WOR - 1960_09_11
WOR - 1960_09_18
WOR - 1960_11_xx_Election
WOR - 1960_Chewing_Tobacco
WOR - 1960_JG_the_Ape
WOR - 1961_02_22_Telling_the_Truth
WOR - 1961_02_27
WOR - 1961_03_01
WOR - 1961_03_02
WOR - 1961_03_04
LimeLightShow WOR - 1961_06_03_George_Kaufman
WOR - 1961_09_04
WOR - 1961_09_05
WOR - 1961_Car_crash_excerpt
WOR - 1961_Early_Spring
WOR - 1961_Fragments
WOR - 1961_Pirate_Radio
WOR - 1962_02_15_Myths_and_the_First_Day_at_the_Mill
WOR - 1962_02_21_The_Mole_People
WOR - 1962_02_22_Kate_and_George
WOR - 1962_04_23_Piano_Factory
WOR - 1962_04_24
WOR - 1962_09_19_Elephant_Foot_and_t
WOR - 1963_03_05
WOR - 1963_04_23
WOR - 1963_04_25_excerpt
WOR - 1963_04_26_Popping_Corks
WOR - 1963_04_xx_Army_Room_mate
WOR - 1963_04_xx_Baseball_Fans
WOR - 1963_04_xx_Cause__Effect
WOR - 1963_04_xx_Compassion__Cantalopes
WOR - 1963_04_xx_excerpt_1_bad_hum
WOR - 1963_04_xx_Stag_Films_Pool
WOR - 1963_05_02_Bunny_Or_Rabbit
WOR - 1963_05_31_Compost_Heap
WOR - 1963_07_01_Moving_Music
WOR - 1963_07_02_Night_Games
WOR - 1963_07_05_Ice_Cream_War
WOR - 1963_08_05_Life_As_Production
WOR - 1963_10_23_excerpt_1
WOR - 1963_10_23_excerpt_2
WOR - 1963_11_15
WOR - 1963_11_18
WOR - 1963_11_25
WOR - 1963_12_19_A_Sportsman
WOR - 1963_12_30
WOR - 1963_12_xx_Human_Evolution
WOR - 1963_Army_Stories
WOR - 1963_Life_Is_Showbiz
WOR - 1963_Mice
WOR - 1963_Mill_Car_Ernie
WOR - 1963_Ping_Pong
WOR - 1963_Shep_Sings
WOR - 1963_The_Negev
WOR - 1963_The_Snooper
WOR - 1963_Truth
WOR - 1963_Valve_Job
WOR - 1964_01_14_Two_Halves_Of_Man
WOR -1964_01_16_Great_Indiana_Blizzard
WOR -1964_01_xx_Mistaken_Identity
WOR -1964_01_XX_Sheps_Name
WOR -1964_02_05_Shooting_Planes_excerpt
WOR -1964_02_xx_Role_Reversal
LimeLightShow -1964_05_23_1_Movie_Dish_Night
LimeLightShow -1964_05_23_2_Army_Exam
WOR -1964_06_02_Rand_Rebuttal_Army_Dice
WOR -1964_06_17_Maine
LimeLightShow -1964_06_13_1_Band_Formation
LimeLightShow -1964_06_13_2_Scout_Stories
WOR -1964_06_18_Scout_Camp
LimeLightShow -1964_06_20_1
LimeLightShow -1964_06_20_2 Swamp_Mudhen.
WOR -1964_06_22_Remote_Broadcasts
WOR -1964_06_23_Worlds_Fair_Madness
LimeLightShow - 1964_06_27_1_Laying_Wire
LimeLightShow -1964_06_27_2_Radio_Hell
WOR -1964_06_xx_Agressive_Nature
WOR -1964_06_xx_First_Martini
WOR -1964_06_xx_Myths_clipped
WOR -1964_06_xx_Truck_Spills
WOR -1964_06_xx_Worms_clipped
WOR -1964_07_10_Hibernation
LimeLightShow -1964_07_11_1
LimeLightShow -1964_07_11_2
LimeLightShow -1964_07_18_Paycheck_Mistake
LimeLightShow -1964_07_25_1
LimeLightShow -1964_07_25_2_Poles_Pylons
WOR -1964_08_13_Filling_In_On_Morning_Show.
WOR -1964_08_13_PM_Business_Lunch
WOR -1964_08_14_AM_Baseball_Radio_Trivia.
WOR -1964_08_14_Folk_Talent
LimeLightShow - 1964_08_15_1
LimeLightShow - 1964_08_15_2.
WOR -1964_08_17_Realism.
WOR -1964_08_18_Monster_Mothers
WOR -1964_08_20_Theatrical_Agents
WOR -1964_08_21_Hate_Groups_Hate_Mail
WOR -1964_08_22_Roy_Acuff_Jukebox_Bank
WOR -1964_08_31_Do_Worms_Talk
WOR -1964_09_15_Worlds_Fair_excerpt
WOR - 1965_01_15_R_Service
WOR - 1965_01_16
WOR - 1965_01_28_Army_Pass
WOR - 1965_01_29_Ham_Radio
WOR - 1965_02_04_Pigeon_Company_-_Old_WWII_Cruiser
WOR - 1965_02_08_Protective_Coloration
WOR - 1965_02_12_Kris_Metropolis
WOR - 1965_02_18_Drive_In
WOR - 1965_02_26_Roscoe_and_the_Diner
WOR - 1965_03_24_Generator_Hunt
WOR - 1965_03_24_Pop_Art_Worlds_Fair
WOR - 1965_03_26_Bunny_Slippers
WOR - 1965_03_30_Simpleism
WOR - 1965_03_31_NY_Is_Dead
WOR - 1965_04_01_Great_Hamburger_Blowout
WOR - 1965_04_02_Camp_and_Pop_Art
WOR - 1965_04_03_Generator_Hunt
WOR - 1965_04_05_Back_To_Witchcraft
WOR - 1965_04_06_Tourists
WOR - 1965_04_07_Jews_Harp_and_Nose_Flute
WOR - 1965_04_12_Tornado_Hits_The_Mill
WOR - 1965_04_13_Code_School
WOR - 1965_04_13_Fred_Allen
WOR - 1965_04_14_Army_Edwards
WOR - 1965_04_15_Radio_Signals
WOR - 1965_04_16_British_Empire
WOR - 1965_04_19_Rise_of_the_Neanderthal
WOR - 1965_04_21_Practical_Jokes
WOR - 1965_04_22_Mannequins
WOR - 1965_04_24_Caves_Date_Co_K_Eggs
WOR - 1965_04_24_Pursuit_of_Sin
WOR - 1965_05_08_Australia_2nd_Hr
WOR - 1965_05_08_Phonebooth_Marie_1st_Hr
WOR - 1965_05_11_Thailand
WOR - 1965_05_12_Manly_Australia
WOR - 1965_05_13_Sydney
WOR - 1965_05_14_More_Australia
WOR - 1965_05_17_ANZAC_Day
WOR - 1965_05_18
WOR - 1965_06_05_Jeanette_Dombrowski_2nd_Hr
WOR - 1965_06_09
WOR - 1965_06_10_Mins_Surprise
WOR - 1965_06_11
WOR - 1965_06_16_Radio_Excelsior
WOR - 1965_06_17_Flying_Machines
WOR - 1965_06_18__Early_US_History
WOR - 1965_06_21__Uncle_Carl
WOR - 1965_06_26_1_Tobacco
WOR - 1965_06_26_2
WOR - 1965_07_02_Work_For_Fun
WOR - 1965_07_05
WOR - 1965_07_08__Unionism
WOR - 1965_07_09
WOR - 1965_07_10_Ernie_limelight_2
WOR - 1965_07_10_Live_Wires_limelight_1
WOR - 1965_07_12
WOR - 1965_07_13
WOR - 1965_07_19__Creativity
WOR - 1965_07_21__Sewer_Music
WOR - 1965_07_27__Radio_Hell
WOR - 1965_07_28_Festivals
WOR - 1965_07_29__Animal_Kooks
WOR - 1965_07_31_2_Horseshoe_Ring
WOR - 1965_07_31_LL_Hr1_-_Trivia_Fleishmans_Yeast
WOR - 1965_08_01_Village_Rally
WOR - 1965_08_02__Lions_Den
WOR - 1965_08_03__Bavaria
WOR - 1965_08_07_2_Army_Casual
WOR - 1965_08_07_Scragging_Myths_1st_Hr
WOR - 1965_08_09_Show_Business_In_The_Civil_Rights_Movement
WOR - 1965_08_10_Sysyphus
WOR - 1965_08_11
WOR - 1965_08_17
WOR - 1965_08_19_Flagship
WOR - 1965_08_25
WOR - 1965_08_28_First_Radio_1st_Hr
WOR - 1965_08_28_How_Shep_Enlisted_2nd_Hr
WOR - 1965_09_01__Myths_By_Millions
WOR - 1965_09_02__Go_Or_Not_Go
WOR - 1965_09_03__Sheik_of_Jr_High
WOR - 1965_09_04_1_High_School
WOR - 1965_09_04_2_Tips_and_Tolls
WOR - 1965_09_06_Uncle_Carl
WOR - 1965_09_07__Leaving_For_Peru
WOR - 1965_09_10__Bit_Players
WOR - 1965_09_16_Amazon
WOR - 1965_09_17_Amazon
WOR - 1965_09_18_1_Headhunters
WOR - 1965_09_18_2_Headhunters
WOR - 1965_09_21_Trend_Of_Disbelief
LimeLightShow - 1965_09_25_Ted_Malley_Snakes_Og_and_Charlie_Grease_Trap
WOR - 1965_09_25_Sheps_New_Car
WOR - 1965_09_30
WOR - 1965_10_01_Cars_Sex_Football
WOR - 1965_10_04_Pope_In_NYC
WOR - 1965_10_05_Electronic_Music
WOR - 1965_10_08_Sex
WOR - 1965_10_11_Death
WOR - 1965_10_23_1_Flight_To_SF
WOR - 1965_10_23_2_Real_Army
WOR - 1965_11_01_Phone_Booth
WOR - 1965_11_08_Hellbound_Train
WOR - 1965_11_08_Magic_Twig
WOR - 1965_11_15_Early_Radio_Job
WOR - 1965_11_16_Swingers_and_Censors
WOR - 1965_12_01_Generations_clipped
WOR - 1965_12_04
WOR - 1965_12_07__Boredom
WOR - 1965_12_08_Myths
WOR - 1965_12_09_The_Lafayette
WOR - 1965_12_13_Games
WOR - 1965_12_14_Coke_Machine
WOR - 1965_12_15_Slapstick
WOR - 1965_12_16
WOR - 1965_12_17_Robert_Service
WOR - 1965_12_20_Image_Projection
WOR - 1965_12_21_Magic_Lamp
WOR - 1965_12_22_Carls_Gift
WOR - 1965_12_29_Cockroaches
WOR - 1965_12_30_Bushel_of_Apples
WOR - 1965_Bath_Mat
WOR - 1965_Magic_of_Radio
WOR - 1965_Man_As_Machine
WOR - 1965_New_House_Medicine_Cabinet
WOR - 1965_syndicated_show_No_3
WOR - 1966_01_13_Fishing_For_Catfish
WOR - 1966_01_14_World_Records_Obscene_Bathmat
WOR - 1966_01_15_1_Perfect_Crime
WOR - 1966_01_15_2_Borrowed_Raincoat
WOR - 1966_01_18_Swamp_Ice
WOR - 1966_01_22_Studs_Turkels_Wax_Museum
WOR - 1966_01_24_Beadle_Fund
WOR - 1966_02_11
WOR - 1966_02_12_Part_1
WOR - 1966_02_12_Part_2
WOR - 1966_02_21
WOR - 1966_03_04_Class_Ring
WOR - 1966_03_07_Classic_Entertainment
WOR - 1966_03_08
WOR - 1966_03_10_Modern_Dirt
WOR - 1966_03_15_Party_For_Elizabeth
WOR - 1966_03_25
WOR - 1966_03_28
WOR - 1966_03_31_Hamster_Rocket
WOR - 1966_04_04
WOR - 1966_04_06_Human_Comedy
WOR - 1966_04_23_1_Broken_Window
WOR - 1966_04_23_2_Army_Stories
WOR - 1966_04_28_Garbage_Dump
WOR - 1966_05_05_Chaplain_Folly
WOR - 1966_05_09
WOR - 1966_05_13_Myths
WOR - 1966_05_14_1_Zipper
WOR - 1966_05_21
WOR - 1966_05_31
WOR - 1966_06_09_Tel_Aviv
WOR - 1966_06_11__Camel_and_the_Coat
WOR - 1966_06_17
WOR - 1966_06_23
WOR - 1966_06_25_1_Custer
WOR - 1966_06_28_Bimbos
WOR - 1966_07_05_The_Origins_of_Electricity
WOR - 1966_07_15_Amusement_Park
WOR - 1966_07_16_Haircut_Flies_Dogfish
WOR - 1966_07_20_Calendar_Art_1
WOR - 1966_07_22_Big_Brother
WOR - 1966_07_28_Style
WOR - 1966_08_06_1_Bolis_Wedding
WOR - 1966_08_06_2_VD_Film
WOR - 1966_08_26_Dogs
WOR - 1966_09_08_Separation_Center
WOR - 1966_09_17_Collecting_Teeth
WOR - 1966_09_29_American_Aristocracy
WOR - 1966_10_19_Firefighter_Salute
WOR - 1966_10_xx_Flying_Saucers
WOR - 1966_11_10_Second_Banana
WOR - 1966_11_28_George_Ade_Stories
WOR - 1966_12_24_Long_John_Nebel_edit
WOR - 1966_12_27_Whoopie_Parties
WOR - 1966_12_30_Haiku
WOR - 1966_12_xx_Flying_Dutchman_clipped
WOR - 1966_Age_of_Total_Showbiz
WOR - 1966_End_Of_The_World
WOR - 1966_Harmony
WOR - 1966_Lake_Michigan
WOR - 1966_Nature_Of__Man_1
WOR - 1966_Nature_Of__Man_2
WOR - 1966_Oz
WOR - 1966_Paris_Adventure
WOR - 1966_Skin_Diving_in_the_Red_Sea
WOR - 1966_Straws_In_The_Wind
WOR - 1967_or_1968_Troop_Train_Ernie
WOR - 1967_01_13_Friday_the_13th_clipped
WOR - 1967_03_17_Ireland
WOR - 1967_03_23_Gypsies
WOR - 1967_03_xx_Cukoo_Whistle_clipped
WOR - 1967_04_01_Patent_Medicine
WOR - 1967_05_01_Rotten_Poems
WOR - 1967_05_02_Steel_Mill
WOR - 1967_05_18_X_Or_Y
WOR - 1967_05_30_Marching_Band
WOR - 1967_06_29_Inventions
WOR - 1967_06_29_Piano_Factory
WOR - 1967_07_19_Failure_Factor
WOR - 1967_07_31_Fishing_Tackle
WOR - 1967_08_01_The_Bandini
WOR - 1967_08_15_Stealing_Melons
WOR - 1967_08_20_Gene_Autrey
WOR - 1967_08_26_1
WOR - 1967_08_26_2
WOR - 1967_09_01_Bugging_Adults
WOR - 1967_09_02_Raincoat
WOR - 1967_09_16_LL_Full
WOR - 1967_10_07_Concrete_Mexicans
WOR - 1967_10_14_Rubber_Nabiscos_-_Faking_Book_Report_1
WOR - 1967_10_21_Duckworth_and_Marching_Band
WOR - 1967_11_04_A_P_Stockboy_OCS
WOR - 1967_11_06_Allied_Catalog
WOR - 1967_11_11_Hobbies_Radar_Tonsils_and_Beer
WOR - 1967_11_18_Army_Druid_Army_Movies_Army_Chow
WOR - 1967_11_24_Hippo_clipped
WOR - 1967_11_25_Thanksgiving__-_Pass_to_USO
WOR - 1967_12_07_Fairleigh_Dickenson
WOR - 1967_12_09_Sunrise_Semester_The_NY_Woman
WOR - 1967_Bananas_clipped
WOR - 1967_Cheap_Cars_start_clipped
WOR - 1967_Coke_and_Aspirin_clipped
WOR - 1967_Foul_Fowls_end_clipped
WOR - 1967_Hobbies_Potatoes_etc_clipped
WOR - 1967_Mismating_Ducks
WOR - 1967_Night_Manuevers_clipped
WOR - 1967_Straws_in_Wind
WOR - 1967_Tatoos_clipped
WOR - 1968_01_25_Radio_and_Conventions
WOR - 1968_01_28_Flicks_Tongue
WOR - 1968_01_29_Drunk_Test
WOR - 1968_01_xx_edit_Part_One
WOR - 1968_01_xx_edit_Part_Two
WOR - 1968_02_01_Spy_Stories
WOR - 1968_04_xx_Fake_Shepherds
WOR - 1968_05_17_Roaches
WOR - 1968_05_25_Army_Hike
WOR - 1968_05_28_Balloon_clipped
WOR - 1968_06_15_Animal_Kingdom_and_Dead_Flies
WOR - 1968_06_18_Campaign_Speech_Cliches
WOR - 1968_06_20_Exciting_Places
WOR - 1968_06_21_Krapps_Last_Tape
WOR - 1968_06_22_Dirt_Track_Racing
WOR - 1968_06_24_More_on_WW_II_Planes
WOR - 1968_06_26_Peanut_Butter_Anonymous
WOR - 1968_06_27_Dr_Fu_Manchu
WOR - 1968_06_28_Strange_Poetry
WOR - 1968_07_02_Backsliding
WOR - 1968_07_03_Losing_Your_Eyebrows
WOR - 1968_07_05_Stuffed_Cats_and_Radio_Technology
WOR - 1968_07_20_Going_to_the_Races
WOR - 1968_07_31_The_Life_That_We_Live
WOR - 1968_07_xx_Starlings
WOR - 1968_07_xx_Trip_to_Barbados
WOR - 1968_07_xx_Trip_to_Grenada
WOR - 1968_11_30_Mill_Pickup_Truck
WOR - 1968_Attack_of_the_Locusts
WOR - 1968_Three_Worlds_Of_Jean_Shepherd
WOR - 1969_03_15_Frozen_In_Ice
WOR - 1969_03_17_Rumpelstiltskin
WOR - 1969_03_21_Square_Eggs_aka_Spring_Equinox
WOR - 1969_03_28_Margate_Elephant-repaired
WOR - 1969_04_10_Bullets_Xrays_Corkscrew
WOR - 1969_05_28_Fantasies
WOR - 1969_06_06_The_Cut_clipped
WOR - 1969_08_04_Wrong-way_Corrigon_clipped
WOR - 1969_09_05_Horse_Opera_1
WOR - 1969_09_08_Salute_To_Jersey
WOR - 1969_09_10_NY_Losers
WOR - 1969_09_11_Quarks_and_Time
WOR - 1969_09_12_Looking_For_Action
WOR - 1969_09_15_Army_Story
WOR - 1969_09_17_Australian_Sharks
WOR - 1969_09_18_Army_Fist_Fight
WOR - 1969_09_22_Stripes
WOR - 1969_09_23_Something_To_Believe_In
WOR - 1969_09_23_Yankee_Doodles
WOR - 1969_09_24_TV_Plot_Ideas_edit
WOR - 1969_09_26_Now_Generation
WOR - 1969_09_27_Almost_Busted
WOR - 1969_09_29_Radar_and_Practical_Jokes
WOR - 1969_10_01_Fearless_Orthodontist
WOR - 1969_10_02_Da_Mets
WOR - 1969_10_05_Almost_Busted
WOR - 1969_10_06_Army_SOS
WOR - 1969_10_07_Monsters
WOR - 1969_10_08_Two_Kinds_of_Education
WOR - 1969_10_10_Sandy_the_Bar_Dog
WOR - 1969_10_12_Halftime_Sousaphone
WOR - 1969_10_13_Beneath_your_Feet
WOR - 1969_10_24_Obscene_Band_Formation
WOR - 1969_10_27_Testimonials
WOR - 1969_10_28_Jack_Kerouac
WOR - 1969_10_30_Look_in_the_DRs_Eye
WOR - 1969_11_02_Pinboy_clipped
WOR - 1969_11_05_Pomposity
WOR - 1969_11_06_40_Inch_Soaking_Pit
WOR - 1969_11_13_Buzzwords_clipped
WOR - 1969_11_16_Choosing_First_Car
WOR - 1969_11_17_French_75
WOR - 1969_11_18_Fly_Glide_and_Soar
WOR - 1969_11_19_Talk_Shows
WOR - 1969_11_21_Food_Surprises
WOR - 1969_11_21_Nitty_Gritty_Radio
WOR - 1969_11_23_Army_Liquor
WOR - 1969_11_24_Fastest_Gun_in_the_West
WOR - 1969_11_25_Trapped_in_the_John
WOR - 1969_Fantasies
WOR - 1969_First_Live_Performance
WOR - 1969_Getting_Sick_In_Army
WOR - 1969_Potpourri_Night
WOR - 1969_Second_Annual_Vast_Marching_Hoard_of_Mankind
WOR - 1970_04_11_Popular_Mechanics
WOR - 1970_04_15_Flying_Quaker
WOR - 1970_04_22_clipped_Earth_Day
WOR - 1970_06_19_Summer_Picnics
WOR - 1970_06_23_Ants
WOR - 1970_07_07_EH_Scott_Radio
WOR - 1970_07_15_Paperboy_Stories
WOR - 1970_08_15_Inventions_and_Myths
WOR - 1970_08_22_Nome_Alaska
WOR - 1970_08_29_Spit_Cards_Tennis
WOR - 1970_09_04_Snakes
WOR - 1970_09_05_TV_Commercials
WOR - 1970_09_11_Fixing_the_Old_Mans_Car
WOR - 1970_09_26_Toad_Invasion
WOR - 1970_10_xx_Nome_Alaska
WOR - 1970_11_07_Cars
WOR - 1970_11_27_Bus_Stories
WOR - 1970_11_28_Wilbur_Duckworth
WOR - 1970_12_01_Bar_Fight
WOR - 1970_12_02_Games_and_Envy
WOR - 1970_12_05_Army_Pranks
WOR - 1970_12_09_Block_Of_Ice
WOR - 1970_12_10_Duty_Corporal
WOR - 1970_12_21_Marching_Band
WOR - 1970_Domeliner_Train
WOR - 1970_How_Radio_Works
WOR - 1970_Second_Name_Show
WOR - 1970_Space_Credit_Card
WOR - 1970_Steel_Mill_Revisited
WOR - 1971_01_05_Ethics
WOR - 1971_01_07_Scientific_Proof_aka_Fear_of_the_New
WOR - 1971_01_08_Old_Radio
WOR - 1971_01_13_Private_Sanderson
WOR - 1971_01_14_Lights_Out
WOR - 1971_01_16_The_Camel_and_the_Coat
WOR - 1971_01_17_Presidents
WOR - 1971_01_19_Witch_Doctors
WOR - 1971_01_20_Severe_Nausea
WOR - 1971_01_22_Frogs
WOR - 1971_01_26_Old_Man_and_Job_at_Bendix
WOR - 1971_02_08_Camera_Balloon
WOR - 1971_02_19_Glasses
WOR - 1971_02_xx_DX_Ham_Radio_CW
WOR - 1971_03_04_Name_Show
WOR - 1971_03_27_Rubbernecks
WOR - 1971_04_10_Army_Glasses
WOR - 1971_04_10_Trains
WOR - 1971_04_24_Stealing
WOR - 1971_04_xx_JSA_Reviews
WOR - 1971_04_xx_Sea_Cow
WOR - 1971_06_05_Shep_vs_Coke_Machine
WOR - 1971_06_xx_Lurking_Disaster
WOR - 1971_06_xx_Plagiarism_Racing
WOR - 1971_07_16_Practical_Jokes
WOR - 1971_07_22_Super_Slobs_and_Dogs
WOR - 1971_07_xx_Air_Stories
WOR - 1971_07_xx_Events_Calander
WOR - 1971_07_xx_Flying_and_Lemmings
WOR - 1971_07_xx_No_License
WOR - 1971_08_31_Sheps_Book_and_Clubs
WOR - 1971_08_xx_Publishing
WOR - 1971_08_xx_Secret_Fears
WOR - 1971_08_xx_Spiders_Cracker_Jack
WOR - 1971_09_01_Take_Out_The_Garbage
WOR - 1971_09_07_Cowboy_X_USO_Book
WOR - 1971_09_08_Crystal_Radio
WOR - 1971_09_09_Dracula_Black_Forest
WOR - 1971_09_11_Big_Frankie
WOR - 1971_09_18_Underground_Fire
WOR - 1971_09_25_Drunken_Animals
WOR - 1971_09_30_Phantoms_and_Snakes
WOR - 1971_10_11_Conference_At_Playboy
WOR - 1971_10_12_Commercials
WOR - 1971_10_15_Four_Day_Pass
WOR - 1971_10_27_Advice_and_Admiration
WOR - 1971_10_xx_Car_Dealer
WOR - 1971_10_xx_Devils
WOR - 1971_10_xx_NJ_And_Kentucky_Devils
WOR - 1971_10_xx_Parade_Marching_Band
WOR - 1971_10_xx_Reviews_Nostalgia
WOR - 1971_10_xx_UK_Car_Shopping
WOR - 1971_11_17_Battle_Re-enactments
WOR - 1971_11_19_Buttered_All_Over_Ernie
WOR - 1971_11_23_Harlem_Jazz
WOR - 1971_11_24_Grand_Ole_Opry
WOR - 1971_11_25_Crank_Calls
WOR - 1971_11_26_Wet_Cement
WOR - 1971_11_29_Disposable_Car_restored
WOR - 1971_11_xx_Army_Induction
WOR - 1971_11_xx_Mean_People_restored
WOR - 1971_12_03_Stealing
WOR - 1971_12_14_Fungus
WOR - 1971_12_15_Flying_Quaker
WOR - 1971_12_16_Used_Cars_2
WOR - 1971_12_26_Wimpy_Doll
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Earthbound_and_Flyers
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Hunters_Stew
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Kooky_Stamps
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Plants_Ham_Radio
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Real_US_History
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Shepherd_Experience_2
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Trains
WOR - 1971_12_xx_Turnips
WOR - 1971_Amateur_TV
WOR - 1971_Army_Payday
WOR - 1971_Army_Shoes
WOR - 1971_Bedbug
WOR - 1971_Collecting
WOR - 1971_Comedy_Technique
WOR - 1971_Confession_Night
WOR - 1971_Drunk_Tracking
WOR - 1971_Ecology
WOR - 1971_Fake_IDs_Diplomas_Credentials
WOR - 1971_Hobbies_and_Collecting
WOR - 1971_Ice_Age_Wild_Life
WOR - 1971_Junk_Mail
WOR - 1971_National_Spitting_Contest
WOR - 1971_Patrol_Boy
WOR - 1971_Peace_Watch
WOR - 1971_Popular_Mechanics
WOR - 1971_Press_Conference_1
WOR - 1971_Press_Conference_2
WOR - 1971_Rats
WOR - 1971_School_Jack_Morton
WOR - 1971_Signal_Corp_Song
WOR - 1971_Slogans
WOR - 1971_Spicy_Detective_Ads
WOR - 1971_Stamps
WOR - 1971_The_Specialist
WOR - 1972_01_11_clipped_end
WOR - 1972_01_17_Comic_Strip_Quiz
WOR - 1972_01_21_South_Dakota
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Behind_The_Scenes
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Boarding_House
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Long_John_Nebel_1
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Long_John_Nebel_2
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Long_John_Nebel_3
WOR - 1972_01_xx_Sense_Of_Place
WOR - 1972_02_03_Rain_Cabs_Fish
WOR - 1972_02_10_Diners_and_Excelsior_restored
WOR - 1972_02_15_Army_Latrine
WOR - 1972_02_16_Ham_Wedding
WOR - 1972_02_18_Bankrobbers
WOR - 1972_02_21_Studs_Terkel
WOR - 1972_02_25_The_Old_Mans_300_Game
WOR - 1972_02_28_Banks_Watchers
WOR - 1972_02_xx_Bodies
WOR - 1972_02_xx_Lurking_Suckers
WOR - 1972_02_xx_Straws_In_The_Wind
WOR - 1972_02_xx_West_Coast
WOR - 1972_03_01_Cockroach_Races
WOR - 1972_03_02_Stage_Foibles
WOR - 1972_03_03_Lurking_Suckers
WOR - 1972_03_06_March_Surveying
WOR - 1972_03_07_Al_and_Mabel_edit
WOR - 1972_03_08_UK_Japan_Greece_restored
WOR - 1972_03_13_Frauds_and_Hoaxes
WOR - 1972_03_14_Carroll_OConnor
WOR - 1972_03_15_Trivia_Quiz
WOR - 1972_03_17_Dublin_Pub
WOR - 1972_03_20_Flying_Bicycle
WOR - 1972_03_21_Spring
WOR - 1972_03_22_History_Etc
WOR - 1972_03_29_Tornado_At_Mill_restored
WOR - 1972_03_31_New_CO_restored
WOR - 1972_03_xx_Brooklyn
WOR - 1972_03_xx_Censored_Lyrics_clipped
WOR - 1972_03_xx_Creepy_Stories
WOR - 1972_03_xx_Theory_Of_Evil
WOR - 1972_04_04_World_Trip_1
WOR - 1972_04_06_World_Trip_2
WOR - 1972_04_10_World_Trip_3
WOR - 1972_04_11_Twits_Etc
WOR - 1972_04_12_Chaplain
WOR - 1972_04_13_World_Trip_4
WOR - 1972_04_14_Cockfight_restored
WOR - 1972_04_17_TV_Doctors
WOR - 1972_04_19_Zipper_Trouble_edit
WOR - 1972_04_20_Traffic_Of_The_Future
WOR - 1972_04_21_Kiteman_restored
WOR - 1972_04_24_Bad_Mistakes
WOR - 1972_04_26_Kid_Game
WOR - 1972_04_28_Neomasochism_restored
WOR - 1972_04_28_Witch_Doctor
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Banana_Oil
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Bangkok
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Chicago_Rialto
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Chinatown
WOR - 1972_04_xx_College_Radio
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Controlled_Environment
WOR - 1972_04_xx_East_Side_NYC
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Geography
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Great_Plays
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Japan
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Lost_Ticket
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Memory
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Obscene_Bath_Mat
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Potpourri
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Secret_Panels
WOR - 1972_04_xx_Special_Events
WOR - 1972_05_03_Practical_Jokes
WOR - 1972_05_08_Food_Surprise
WOR - 1972_05_10_Cannibalism
WOR - 1972_05_15_Airports_and_Sailplanes
WOR - 1972_05_17_Image_Distortion
WOR - 1972_05_19_Galloping_Ego
WOR - 1972_05_22_Dirigibles
WOR - 1972_05_23_Railroading
WOR - 1972_05_24_Hollering
WOR - 1972_06_02_Inspector_16_restored
WOR - 1972_06_06_Code
WOR - 1972_06_07_Historic_Rooms
WOR - 1972_06_08_Porn_Theatre
WOR - 1972_06_08_Witchcraft_Jug_Band
WOR - 1972_06_09_Transistorized_Shep
WOR - 1972_06_12_Beware_of_Animals
WOR - 1972_06_13_Philly_Boo_Birds
WOR - 1972_06_15_Roaches_Ring_and_Balloon_Guinea_Pigs
WOR - 1972_06_19_Hamsters_and_Horses
WOR - 1972_06_21_Back_Of_The_John
WOR - 1972_06_22_Rats_and_Cockroaches
WOR - 1972_06_26_Kits_And_Hobbies
WOR - 1972_06_27_Staten_Island
WOR - 1972_06_30_Old_Mans_Pontiac
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Airports_and_Sailplan
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Car_Parts
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Fads
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Frenzied_Animals
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Hooray_For_NY
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Railroading
WOR - 1972_06_xx_Tornado_At_Mill
WOR - 1972_06_xx_USA_Ingenuity
WOR - 1972_07_05_Lightning
WOR - 1972_07_06_Roller_Skating
WOR - 1972_07_21_Voyeurism
WOR - 1972_07_25_Pilfered_Crosswords
WOR - 1972_07_28_Owls_and_Penguins
WOR - 1972_07_xx_Minnesota
WOR - 1972_07_xx_Show_Biz_Stories
WOR - 1972_08_03_Chewing_Tobacco
WOR - 1972_08_18_Hitch_Hiking
WOR - 1972_08_xx_Ben_The_Rat
WOR - 1972_08_xx_Fishing_clipped
WOR - 1972_08_xx_Gordian_Knot
WOR - 1972_08_xx_Trip_To_Sweden
WOR - 1972_08_xx_VD_Film
WOR - 1972_09_06_Zoo_Opera
WOR - 1972_09_08_Bugs
WOR - 1972_09_11_Animal_Night
WOR - 1972_09_13_Drunk_Tracking
WOR - 1972_09_19_Bad_Taste_Night_restored
WOR - 1972_09_19_Bad_Taste
WOR - 1972_09_20_Talk_In_Chickasaw
WOR - 1972_09_21_Beer
WOR - 1972_09_22_The_Dentist
WOR - 1972_09_27_A_Clairvoyant
WOR - 1972_09_28_Red_Baron
WOR - 1972_09_29_Keep_Knees_Loose
WOR - 1972_10_02_Dungs_The_Word_restored
WOR - 1972_10_03_Pinboy_and_Caddy
WOR - 1972_10_06_Window_Breaker
WOR - 1972_10_12_Smellovision
WOR - 1972_10_13_Joe_Franklin
WOR - 1972_10_13_Superstition
WOR - 1972_10_16_Found_Money
WOR - 1972_10_18_Carnegie_Hall_Recap
WOR - 1972_10_19_Playing_Chicken
WOR - 1972_10_24_Queens
WOR - 1972_11_01_Reverse_Astrology_edit
WOR - 1972_11_02_Army_Chickens
WOR - 1972_11_03_Soup
WOR - 1972_11_06_Lice
WOR - 1972_11_08_Instant_Deja_Vu
WOR - 1972_11_09_Martha_Deane
WOR - 1972_11_09_Sneaky_People
WOR - 1972_11_10_Seven_Million
WOR - 1972_11_13_The_Shocking_Truth_About_Figs
WOR - 1972_11_14_Polly_Parrot_and_Banks
WOR - 1972_11_16_Car_Number_1_aka_First_Car_Sale
WOR - 1972_11_17_Singing_Chicken
WOR - 1972_11_20_Cavemen_aka_Without_Them
WOR - 1972_11_21_Slob_Equipment
WOR - 1972_11_22_Turtles_and_Blowguns_aka_Turtles_on_the_Runway
WOR - 1972_11_24_Hippos_and_Bones
WOR - 1972_11_xx_Eating_Dog_Food
WOR - 1972_11_xx_West_Side_NYC
WOR - 1972_12_01_Mistakes
WOR - 1972_12_04_Marching_As_Art
WOR - 1972_12_07_Minor_Celebrity
WOR - 1972_12_08_Streetlight
WOR - 1972_12_14_Games_and_Frogs
WOR - 1972_12_15_Slob_Food
WOR - 1972_12_21_Jews_Harp_Virtuosity
WOR - 1972_12_22_Alex_Bennett
WOR - 1972_12_26_Food_Poetry
WOR - 1972_12_27_Ribbon_Cutting
WOR - 1972_12_28_Majestic_Goose
WOR - 1972_12_29_Radiator_Ornaments
WOR - 1972_12_xx_Beer_and_Uncle_Carl
WOR - 1972_1975_Short_Shows
WOR - 1972_Australia
WOR - 1972_Greenwich_Village
WOR - 1972_Letters
WOR - 1972_Sports_clipped
WOR - 1972_The_Influence_of_Comic_Strips
WOR - 1973 01 02 Reformed ShepandNJ
WOR - 1974 01 07 DownUnder
WOR - 1975 01 03 TheDelta Queen edit
WOR - 1976 01 02 edit PerfectingMan
WOR - 1977 01 xx Old Electricaledit
Nice job! That must have been a lot of work.
FWIW, The 1973-1977 archives are just files I quickly threw in as placeholders. For instance, I'm uploading the 1973 batch right now, and "19730102ReformedShepandNJ.mp3" is being replaced with "1973_01_02_Reformed_Shep_and_NJ.mp3" and 153 other files.
I usually point people to one of the podcast aggregators when they want a simple, non-podcast list of episodes to download. This is better, because you've got all the "future" Brass Figlagee episodes as well!
Howdy, There is still a bunch of clean up I need to do, marking the rest of the LimeLight shows and fixing some of the CSS on the yahoo player. Let me know if anything needs adding or subtracting and I will keep it uptodate.
Thanks for putting all the shows up on Having them all up there is a real boon to being able to do stuff like this.
Keep your knees loose.
It looks like you have most or all of the main URLs for the uploads. As you may have noticed, I learned as I went along, and started putting whole years in one spot. So, you should have all the "base" URLS there will even be (like /JeanShepherd1974/) though they'll fill up with shows when the podcast gets to them (the 1974 shows, for example). Be sure to check /JeanShepherdUndated/. It's another placeholder, but eventually it'll have a bunch of files in it.
Here one to add. Other than this one you're good all the way up to 1960, and a quick scan looks good from there:
The /JeanShepherd1973/ folder is all stocked up now. Scrape away!
If you want to do a sanity check, just download the podcast's RSS file and check through the URLs. Starting in 1960, I broke the year up into 2 or 3 base URLs, and in 1966 I started doing one base URL per year. I've thought about going back and cleaning it all up (and adding artwork and volume leveling to the older shows) but it would have some untidy side effects. Breaking your Playlist (at least before 1966) would be one of them!
I did just delete one, "1972_09_19_Bad_Taste", which I never put into the podcast feed. It was a subset of "1972_09_19_Bad_Taste_Night_restored".
To answer a question you asked on the BF podcast site, the Shep Archives is on indefinite hiatus. The former proprietor, Charles H., announced it on the Yahoo Shep group. He was tired of people hacking his site and having to rebuild it. An English Shep fan offered to take it over and host it in the UK. I know the men met and data discs changed hands, but the new guy couldn't commit to a timetable. Their plan was to transfer ownership of the domain as well, so perhaps it will someday come back to its old home.
Putting the shows on is a big task, but it was an easy decision. Charles was buying about 200G of bandwidth a month for shep-archives. That might be cheap now, but not so much back then. offers permanent, free storage of media files, using as a backend. I had been thinking of creating something that I wanted to have myself: a podcast with a "new" show every day, so I could listen regularly, just like the good old days. When the Jean Shepherd Project went on their hiatus in January 2006 (which continues to this day), I got started.
I'll be out of public-domain files some time in 2009, and after that the podcast will remain online for anyone who wants to stream, download, or use an MP3 player to listen to all the old Shep I could get my hands on. Free!
What a gem of a website for those of us mature enough to remember Jean Shepherd and the great Long John Nebel too. To hear these interviews in uninterrupted context is terrific.
A tremendous undertaking.This has to be a real labor of love by a real "radiophile".Many thanks.
i'm not sure whether this site is stll active- but anyway, I'm wondering whether the last WOR show is posted somewhere on the 'Net, or even if Shep realized it was his final show. I can't imagine a farewell that would have been adequate, and leaving apparantly wasn't his decision. Dave
This seems to be defective - will STOP a playlist:
WOR - 1960_07_02_Living_In_The_Future
This seems to be defective - will STOP a playlist:
WOR - 1960_07_02_Living_In_The_Future
I've been a Shep fan for many years going back to his early days on WOR. I listen to a "Shep-A-Day" selection every evening.
For the past week, when I open your site, I get an "Unresponsive script" warning which takes a minute to clear after clicking "continue". I am using Firefox 4.0.1.
Thank you for these broadcasts...Jean certainly knows how to entertain us...He goes from one theme to another and then ties them all together...Wonderful
Dave St.Germain
Wonderful broadcasts.Thank you for posting.A true entertainer and pioneer in radio...Could listen all night.
thanks Tom for all of this. are there any other shows out there that might be appearing here in the future? thank you again for making available to all this great pleasure.
Great site.
I used to listen to Jean shepherd in the late 60's (66-68) on the late KRAB in Seattle,one of the nations first community radio stations (62 -84). The story goes that one of the people at KRAB was from NYC and knew jean shepherd. Because of this connection he mailed them tapes of some of his favorite show. Among these shows were ones about the "cherry sisters", "green pickle color car paint job", lightning striking people more than once,and others I can't remember now. This is how a boy in Seattle knew anything about Shep.
When KRAB sold their frequency to a commercial station in 1984 and went off the air, the money received went to form the "Jack Straw Foundation" now located near the Univ of Washington in Seattle. I have confirmed that they still have these tapes but have not done anything with them. I assume you would be interested in them and I would be happy to help you obtain and put them onto your archives.
Do you for example know of the show Jean did about the Cherry sisters, a singing act made up of some old maid sisters who thought they were great, but in fact were so bad that they became famous in the mid west, where people would go to shout and boo and throw fruit and vegetables at them through a chicken wire screen, like the scene from the Blues Brothers film with the "good old boys".
My other favorite show was about how Jean bought a used car (of course) that needed a paint job, He proceeds in his usual meandering fashion to tell how he scraped together the money to pay a shop to paint this car before a big date, only to get it at the last minute to see it was painted a horrendous pickle green color. Do you know of this one as well?
let me know if you are interested in getting these tapes.
While I'm here, perhaps a "Hail Mary" request for a date might find a fellow ShepHead who remembers this one that I have kept in the dusty storeroom of memory lo these 5 decades or so.
Anyone got a clue what night Shep went on about riding bicycles in the slipstream of trailer trucks and getting caught going so fast he (and Flick?) had to keep peddling to the next town??
Or maybe a link to some other forum for us folks that might help me find the answer?
Excelsior. Hey, son c'mon, Loretta Young is starting!!
Shep learned only after his last show that it was to be his final broadcast on WOR. Not unusual in radio.
Sorry it took so long but i have fixed
1960 07 02 Living In The Future
which is now pointing to
You can now get the list in a nice neat and ready to play files.
Grab this and open it up in your music player of choice that can understand the m3u file structure, which lets face it is just a list of urls:)-.
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